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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The ceiling is GONE!!!

Yes, it was a very difficult walk through the library last week! The asbestos plastic was still up, the electrician couldn't get to his work because the fireproofing (that is the blue stuff in the picture, honestly it looked like Smurfs threw-up everywhere!) was still being done and the insulating wasn't complete either. I wanted to cry, but everyone was very kind, helpful and encouraging. So I took a few pictures to share here and then headed out. I haven't been to visit this week but I hear things are finally coming along, thankfully. The plastic is down, the insulation is just about finished as is the electricity for the new computer lab and computer area in the front of the library. I'll be back to visit next Monday 8/15 because if all goes well that's when the new carpet is supposed to be installed :-) I'm looking forward to much better pictures to include then.....but until then, here's how things looked.....

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